Saturday, January 25, 2020

The 1918 Influenza Pandemic Essay example -- Health Medicine Diseases

The 1918 Influenza Pandemic The United States entered the War in 1918 and brought influenza to America that medical historian Roy Porter has called â€Å"the greatest single demographic shock mankind has ever experienced, the most deadly pestilence since the Black Death.†[1] In the late nineteen thirties, members of the Federal Writer’s Project (FWP) with the Works Progress Administration (WPA), interviewed people who remembered surviving the pandemic. [2] They described a world caught off guard. Newly established â€Å"base camps† became makeshift hospitals and morgues. Doctors, embalmers, laundresses and florists did a brisk trade. Public venues closed, and as entire families became ill, mothers, husbands and soldiers remember coping with quarantines and loss of family. Sufferers put great stock in their ability to treat themselves as doctors and other health officials struggled with ineffective prevention and treatment strategies. For them, the flu of 1918 marked a major life change but it also became a testament to their ability to survive. The flu came fast and it hit hard. Dr. Curtis Atkinson, then a First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps at Fort Riley, Kansas remembered the first military quarantines. â€Å"When the 'flu' epidemic struck Call Field, Sunday, December, 1918, the boys began to come down very rapidly. A foot ball game was in progress. The commanding officer immediately ordered the game stopped and sentinels posted at the gate of the field with orders that no one was to be admitted.†[3] Another soldier, Dr. William W. Wood remembered soldiers and civilians â€Å"dying like sheep.†[4] Melinda Parker remembers how fast she lost her husband. â€Å"My husband†¦ was workin' at the shipyards in Algiers an' he got the flu an' in four day... ...arolina Writer’s Project. [14] â€Å"J. D. Washburn,† Interview by Douglas Carter. [15] â€Å"History of Career (import) of J. H. Kimbrough,† Interview by Marie Reese. [16] â€Å"Mountain Sharecroppers,† Interview by Anne Winn Stevens. [17] Porter, Roy. 484 [18] â€Å"Dr. William W. Wood,† Interview by Miss Effie Cowan. [19] â€Å"Reminiscences centered around Call Field,† Interview by Ethel Dulaney. [20] â€Å"Dr. Wood†, Cowan [21] â€Å" Coal Fields to the Cotton Mill,† Interview by South Carolina Writer’s Project. [22] â€Å"J. D. Washburn,† Interview by Douglas Carter. [23] â€Å"The Influenza Epidemic,† Interview by Jane K. Leary. [24] â€Å"Note French Canadian Personalities,† Interview by Robert Grady. [25] â€Å"The Influenza Epidemic,† Interview by Jane K. Leary. [26] â€Å"Glenn Kanipe.† Interview with Ethel Deal. [27] â€Å"Melinda Parker,† Interview by Louisiana Folklore

Friday, January 17, 2020

Risks and opportunities of Wal-Mart

Sam Walton – a real ‘king’ of XXth-century retail – was able to turn a small store in the center of a provincial town to the world’s largest retailer – Wal-Mart. This man had stepped on a pedal of his business and never let it go; otherwise, he could be crushed by those behind him. The Wal-Mart’s success is grounded on the notion to save customers’ money, so they can live better.The economists’ unfavorable outlook at Wal-Mart Co in the beginning of FY 2007 seems to fade out by the latest data and reports, for this global retailer is focused on constant improving of sales and returns: an 8.1 percent increase in the first quarter to $2.86 billion or 70 cents per share up from $2.65 billion, or 63 cents per share, in the year ago period.Wal-Mart expects the on-going increase in net profit up to $0.99 – $1.03 per share in the fourth quarter and $3.13 – $3.17 in total. Sales of the company rose 8.8 percent to $90. 9 billion (according to the data from Floor Daily and Reuters).Risks of the last year, when the company tried to sell more goods to middle- and high-income shoppers had been reemphasized by executive leadership; therefore, this year brought more opportunities in low-price segment.At present, Wal-Mart Co made some steps forward in its American stores and attracted more consumers, who were pressed by growing prices on foodstuff and energy carriers, and by mortgage crisis. For the past few weeks, the retailer has lowered prices on the most popular toys and 15 thousand of other goods on the threshold of the holiday shopping.The falling of dollar and rising oil prices posed a real threat to weaken international earnings; however, the surprising share of Wal-Mart Stores Inc in the third quarter of FY 2007 has grown due to outlets overseas, tough expenses’ control and preliminary customer expectation model in American stores. While the American picture seems rather clear, forWal-Mar t originated from this country, the international situation was frightening. Europe and Asia are turning America down from the leading position in the world affairs, because of its ‘diplomatic’ operations in Iraq, the growing total debt and unstable economy.Therefore, the outlets in Germany were forced out by domestic stores, outlets in South Korea were closed because of high competition and low market share; â€Å"new social alternative† in India is fighting against Coca-Cola and Wal-Mart. Nevertheless, along with grasping market share in North and Latin America, Wal-Mart had fit the cultural diversity in Asian segment. For example, in China consumers are allowed to choose live fish and seafood by themselves.As the world’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart Co can afford the new technologies, take the role of sponsor in the latest researches and developments, protect the environment and implement the energy- and money-saving equipment in its stores.When Sam Walto n had faced regional discount competition and opened his first discount store, he laid the basis for further successful management strategy: the wide range of goods, the lowest possible prices, the latest technologies, convenient stores and parking, and, as the result, consumers’ satisfaction. Today, the executive leadership of the corporation is aiming its efforts at successful managing of all departments: sales, marketing, human resources, research and development and administration.Step by step, Wal-Mart has filled all market niches, including discount stores, warehouses, grocery and toys stores, optical and pharmaceutical supermarkets, portrait studios. The outlets overseas were depending on the progress and technologies. The spread of democracy in post-communist countries had unveiled the potential of their consumers; so, today, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is heading to take the largest market share possible in this area.Technological progress with its changes in industry had f orced Wal-Mart Co to implement such   â€Å"A preliminary research for the valuation of Wal-Mart Co† developments as internet access, latest technologies and electronics, online stores in its marketing strategy, in order to keep the leading positions in a highly competitive market.The core trends in business spending lie in progress of environment protection. The sustainable goals of zero waste and reduce of energy at Wal-Mart stores call for fundamental changes. The company has already â€Å"constructed experimental stores to test different ways to conserve water or electricity while also cutting waste† (Maestri, N. Reuters, para.3).The company will also examine the health care issues, the key question that is raised in media; make attempts to fit the highly diversified Asian market to include minorities and women; reduce carbon footprint and track waste. Another business spending is found in sustainable development in China, from which Wal-Mart, either directly or indirectly source goods.Wal-Mart strategy, competencies, and managementMike Duke, the Vice Chairman of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., in his â€Å"Driving Business Value through Sustainability† presentation has singled out five value drivers of business: brand and reputation, cost reduction, access to talent, associate engagement, innovation (p.8).These drives cover all spheres and level possible, such as worldwide market share and recognition, customers’ and employees’ satisfaction. All reports prove that the principle of each consumer’s satisfaction is the right and unchanging course in varying industry. Sam Walton, an expert, manager and retailer, is also a good teacher, for he could raise a successful team of leaders, who share the same priorities and want to reach the same goals.Recently, Wal-Mart Co had reemphasized the financial management systems and chose the solution SAP ERP Financials to keep up its growth and effective reaction at business changes. Th is teamwork had lead to top, among such competitors as Target, Costco, Kroger, Safeway, Best Buy, etc. Ellis Mnyandu, a Reuter’s reporter, has noted that â€Å"Wal-Mart’s stock gained 6.1 percent to $45.97 after the world’s biggest retailer posted a stronger-than-expected quarterly profit and raised its outlook† (para.17). Facts say louder than words – Wal-Mart Co is worth to be called â€Å"the largest seller in the U.S.† and largest global retailer.References:Bianco, A. (2007). Wal-Mart’s Midlife Crisis. BusinessWeek. April 30. Online. November 28, 2007. Available:, M., Hartzfeld, J. (2007). Driving Business Value Through Sustainability. October, 10.Online. The Wal-Mart Live Better Sustainability Summit. November, 28, 2007.Available: MartSummitBreakout101007.pdfMaestri, N. (2007). Wal-Mart Outlines Environmental Efforts Progress. Reuters UK.November, 15. Online. November, 28, 2007. Available: /idUKN1530614420071115?sp=trueMnyandu, E. (2007). Market soars on tech, banks, Wal-Mart and oil. Reuters. Online. November, 28, 2007. Available: 1Q Earnings Up 8.1%. (2007). Floor Focus. May 15. Online. November, 28, 2007. Available: Selects SAP. (2007). SAP Global. October, 18. Online. November, 28, 2007.Available: suite/erp/newsevents/press.epx?pressid=8440   

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Animal Testing Is A Cruel And Useless - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1361 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Biology Essay Level High school Tags: Animal Testing Essay Did you like this example? Nelly, a beagle puppy, had a very rough start since the day she was born. She was used for testing in a laboratory, she was sold for experimentation and was later abandoned. As time went by, she was shot and was left for dead with two other assassinated puppies in a locked cage with little space to breathe or move. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Animal Testing Is A Cruel And Useless" essay for you Create order They were left on the side of a lonely road, lost, somewhere in Florida. Nelly, the beagle, deserved better. All of the other animals used for testing, deserve better.Animal testing is a major problem around the US and around the world, it needs to be addressed.Preview 3 main points (1 point each = 3 points): animal testing, why is it wrong, how to stop itEstablish Credibility (1   points): As a pet owner, I was interested in the topic so I did further research. I. First Main Point â€Å" description of the problem (3     points): Animal testing is a cruel and useless, it does not work and only causes harm to hundreds of thousands of harmless animals.A. Subpoint: Animal testing is based when scientists use animals in studies and experiments in order to prove a theory or see how they react to a chemical or trial. Each year, millions of animals including dogs, cats, monkeys, and mice experience cruelty because of these tests and experiments. Throughout this time, the creatures have to breathe in test substances and run the risk that they are toxic.1. Sub-subpoint: As stated on the BBC website, scientists experiment on animals for basic research, investigating potential treatments for human disease, safety and quality control testing of drugs and to explore how organisms function. (Katsnelson, 2013) Most people can agree that animal experimentation is not only outdated but it is immoral and painful as well. However, there are a lot of people who have wrong perception that this practice is necessary for medicine to keep developing and improving. There are several cases that show what they have to go through and the cruelty tested animals experiment. For example, in the state of Virginia scientists forgot to remove one of the rats they used in their experiment out of the cage, and took it to a cage washing system. When the cages are washed, they reach temperatures higher than 180 degrees Celsius, causing the rat to suffer and ultimately die. In another experiment, mice were put in a swimming pool, after a specific time interval researchers placed a wire net that drowned them and did not let them get out. They were underwater for about 30 seconds, to see the effects of underwater trauma. This is an unnecessary practice and torture for the test subjects. And like these, every day, hundreds of thousands of animals, including cats, monkeys, rabbits and dogs, are forced to suffer in laboratories and undergo burning and uncomfortable experiments. One of the first disagreements over animal testing took place about 60 years ago with a published article about Pepper, a dog that was used as a test subject. Pepper was a farmers dog that was kidnapped from his property and was later sold into experimentation. Scientists tried to place an experimental cardiac pacemaker in his body, which led to the dog dying.(Transition point) Furthermore, this is why animal testing is ineffective.II. Second Main Point description of the cause or causes (3   points): Animals are very different from human beings, making them unsuccessful test subjectsA. Subpoint: There are many variances between animals and people that make them poor models for humans, including anatomic and cellular differences.Sub-subpoint: Several years ago, scientist found a relationship between cancer and tobacco use. There was strong data that backed up this information, so it was believed to be true. Researchers used animal and tested them to see how their bodies would react to the tobacco and whether or not it caused them to have cancer. After testing it frequent times, the tobacco did not seem to produce cancer in the animals, so this theory was rejected. Therefore, warnings regarding the dangers of cigarettes and tobacco were rule as false for many years. This shows that only a small portion of substances that are known to produce cancer in humans, cause cancer in animals as well, which makes them poor models. There was another medicine that was used to treat arthritis. After being tested in monkeys several times it was found to be safe, therefore could be used in humans. This medicine has now caused more than three hundred and twenty thousand heart attacks and strokes and about one hundred and forty thousand deaths around the world. According to cruelty free international, out of 93 dangerous drug side effects, only 19% could have been predicted by animal tests. (Against Animal Testing, 2018) About two years ago in Europe, a drug to treat Parkinsons disease was tested in animals to see if it was safe. It was ruled to be fine after it was given to four different species of animals, including mice, rats, dogs, and monkeys and they were all fine. However, when given to people it killed one volunteer and caused other four volunteers to suffer with severe brain damage, ruining their lives forever. (Transition   point) So what other methods can be used?II. Third Main Point â€Å" description of the solution (3 points): There are other alternatives researchers can use instead of animal testing.A. Subpoint: There is no evidence that animal experiments were needed and essential in making major medical advances. If enough money and resources were dedicated to animal-free substitutes, other solutions could be used. 1. Sub-subpoint: According to, alternatives to animal testing include sophisticated tests using human cells and tissues, advanced computer-modeling techniques, and studies with human volunteers. Investigators have created organ on chips that can be used instead of animals. In these chips human cells are grown to do perform the functions of the organs and the organ system as well as to simulate the structure of them. (Peta, 2018) With the new technology, we now have computer models that can show how diseases progress inside the body and models that mimic human biology. It has been found that these models are an accurate prediction of how medicines will react in humans, without having to use animals which most of the time are unreliable. Also, there is a method called micro dosing, that can provide fundamental evidence on how safe an experimental drug is before giving them to humans, especially in large-scale trials. With this way of testing, volunteers are given a very small dose of the medicine and it is only one time. Then, they are monitored closely to see how it reacts in the body and the possible effects of the drug. Mechanized human-patient simulators that are able to breathe, bleed, talk, and even die have shown to be better at teaching students than exercises that implicate using animals.(Transition   point) In conclusion,Conclusion â€Å" To Include: Summary Statement (1   points): Animal testing is still a huge concern today that harms millions of animals per year; however, other alternatives such as organ-on chips, computer models and micro dosing can eradicate this problem.Revisit the Thesis (1   points): The evidence provided shows that animal testing is not effective, and that they are poor models for humans.Reviewed Three Main Points (1 point each = 3 points): animal testing, why is it wrong, how to stop itEnding Statement (5 points)â€Å" try to finish with a BANG So picture yourself in a place you dont know, locked up without any room for movement. People you do not know come and go every couple of hours and rub things into your skin that burns and makes it bleed. They put substances in your eyes that makes you go blind. Imagine being alone and helpless, with people who is waiting to see what makes you die. These are only a few things animals go through during testing, a change needs to be made.(3) APA Style References Against Animal Testing. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2018, from Peta. (2018). Alternatives to Animal Testing. (n.d.). Retrieved from Katsnelson, A. (2013, June 10). Future Will we ever eliminate animal experimentation? Retrieved from